On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, jamal wrote:

> Kernel     |  tput  | sender-CPU | receiver-CPU |
> -------------------------------------------------
> 2.4.0-pre3 | 99MB/s |   87%      |  23%         |
> NSF        |        |            |              |
> -------------------------------------------------
> 2.4.0-pre3 | 68     |   8%       |  8%          |
> +ZC  SF    | MB/s   |            |              |
> -------------------------------------------------

isnt the CPU utilization difference amazing? :-)

a couple of questions:

- is this UDP or TCP based? (UDP i guess)

- what wsize/rsize are you using? How do these requests look like on the
  network, ie. are they suffieciently MTU-sized?

- what happens if you run multiple instances of the testcode, does it
  saturate bandwidth (or CPU)?


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