Anton Vorontsov writes:

> > I was wondering if it would be sufficient to provide alternative
> > versions of fb_readl, fb_writel etc. that do byte-swapping.
> This is of course viable alternative. And I was considering this, but
> later I abandoned the idea: that way we'll end up doing math in the
> native endianness and then converting it to the foreign. This feels
> ugly in contrast when we can do the right math in the first place, per
> framebuffer.

OK.  I guess I'm convinced then.  However, your patch description
needs to be a lot better.  It should describe things like why you
want to make the change and why the change you are proposing is a good
idea and is better than other alternatives.  If you'd done that
originally we might not have needed to have all this discussion. :)

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