> > Wouldn't that be true for any CNAME anyway?
>         That's the point...
>         In other words, you do a lookup, you start with a primary lookup
> and then possibly a second lookup to resolve an MX or CNAME.  It's only
> the MX that points to a CNAME that results in yet another lookup.  An
> MX pointing to a CNAME is almost (almost, but not quite) as bad as a
> CNAME pointing to a CNAME.

There is no reducibility problem for MX -> CNAME, unlike the CNAME ->
CNAME case.

Please explain how there is any different between an CNAME or MX pointing
to an A record in a different SOA versus an MX pointing to a CNAME
pointing to an A record where at least one pair is local (same SOA).


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