Ion Badulescu wrote:
> ... and use both SET_MODULE_OWNER and STAR_MOD_*_USE_COUNT. It's along the
> lines of what I was thinking -- though I don't think it's very clean.

It's about the best you can do, considering the 'no ifdefs in raw'
axiom..  Better suggestions are certainly welcome.

> And one more question: is 2.2.x compatibility stuff acceptable in a 2.4
> driver, given that all that stuff is in *one* #ifdef and not sprinkled
> throughout the file?

I have no problem with such overall, as long as the 2.2 section is
self-contained and mostly out of the mainline code.


Jeff Garzik       | "You see, in this world there's two kinds of
Building 1024     |  people, my friend: Those with loaded guns
MandrakeSoft      |  and those who dig. You dig."  --Blondie
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