What prompted this? People are going to want copyright notices in a
prominent place. Namely at the beginning of the code along with whatever
instructions and cruft.

Rick Hohensee wrote:
> .......................................................................
> ## drop copyright notices to the bottoms of C files in current dir and
> #     subs.
> # /*
> #  CopYriGHt Guess Who          2001            All reserves righted.
> # */
> grep -ilr "copyright" . > tempdropcopyrights
> for f in `cat tempdropcopyrights`
> do
> ed $f <<HEREDOC
> /[Cc][oO][pP][yY][rR][iI]/
> ?\/\*?
> .,/\*\//m$
> wq
> done
> ........................................................................


Mohammad A. Haque                              http://www.haque.net/ 
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