:-> "kuznet" == kuznet  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> Over a radio link where 
    >> error rate causes exponential increases in probability of packet loss as

    > Another myth. All they do error correction and have so high latency,
    > that _increasing_ mtu only helps. And helps a lot.

Please don't break existing implementations. Some old hardware used in
the amateur radio world doesn't even accept an mtu longer than 256(*),
and the resulting packets will be silently chopped at the end. 
If you want to drop mtu lower than 512, please at least add a


(*) Kantronics TNCs are an example.


 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://gusp.dyndns.org
  Firenze - Italia  | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.4.1 #1 Sat Feb 3 20:43:54 CET 2001 i686 unknown
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