Am Freitag, den 26.10.2012, 06:36 +0800 schrieb Richard Yang:

> >
> >And holy cow that code is hard to read :( Why was kfifo_in()
> >implemented as a macro, anyway?  AFAICT all its args have a known type,
> >so we could have used a proper C interface, which would have fixed all
> >this nicely.

Thats simple for performance reasons, the compiler remove most of the
code during the compile stage, so no runtime checks are necessary. And
it is the only way since C does not provides templates like C++.
> Hmm, move the definition of kfifo_in()/kfifo_out() into the kfifo.c?

Don't do it. this will result in a performance degradation. Look at the
disassembled code by each change in code and compare it with the
previous one. I don't believe that you can produce better code.

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