getsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_TOS, ..



At 03:00 PM 7/03/2001 +1100, David Luyer wrote:

>I've scrolled through various code in net/ipv4, and I can't see how to query
>the TOS of an incoming TCP stream (or at the least, the TOS of the SYN which
>initiated the connection).
>Someone has sent in a feature request for squid which would require this,
>presumably so they can set the TOS in their routers and have the squid caches
>honour the TOS to select performance (via delay pools, multiple parents,
>different outgoing IP or similar).  However I can't see how to get the TOS for
>a TCP socket out of the kernel short of having an open raw socket watching for
>SYNs and looking at the TOS on them.
>Any pointers?
>David Luyer                                        Phone:   +61 3 9674 7525
>Engineering Projects Manager   P A C I F I C       Fax:     +61 3 9699 8693
>Pacific Internet (Australia)  I N T E R N E T      Mobile:  +61 4 1111 2983
>                         NASDAQ:  PCNTF
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