On Wed, 2012-11-14 at 15:43 -0500, Len Brown wrote:
> Here are some turbostat patches I have staged.
> The 1st two I've requested be pulled into 3.7,
> the rest are for 3.8
> The final patch allows turbostat to print Watts
> as measured by hardware RAPL counters -- something
> that people have been asking for.
> Please let me know if you see troubles with any of these patches.

Hi Len,

I tested out these patches on an IvyBridge system and see the new Watts
fields. They look like reasonable numbers to me. I ran with the system
idle and then with lookbusy -c 50 and saw the Watts increase. Is there
anything else to do to validate the numbers? In one case I saw that the
Pkg_W for the system was off by .01, e.g. socket 0 was 28.33 and socket
1 was 29.74 and the system total was 58.08 instead of 58.07. That is
probably fine and just rounding up.


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