Hi Daniel,

Happy new year to you and everyone else!

Am Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013 schrieb Daniel Phillips:

[… long description on Tux3 design and current state …]

> We have made plausible plans for all of the above, but indeed the devil
> is in  the doing. So we are considering the merits of invoking the "many
> hands make light work" principle. Tux3 is pretty well documented and the
> code base is, if not completely obvious, at least small and orthogonal.
> Tux3 runs in userspace in two different ways: the tux3 command and fuse.
> Prototyping in user space is a rare luxury that could almost make one
> lazy. Tux3 is an entirely grassroots effort driven by volunteers.
> Nonetheless, we would welcome offers of assistance from wherever they
> may come, especially testers.

Sounds all good and nice and interesting to test, but where to grab the

I found no obvious URL.


merkaba:/tmp> git clone 
Cloning into 'linux-tux3'...
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

merkaba:/tmp> hg clone http://hg.tux3.org/tux3/ 
Abbruch: Fehler: Connection timed out


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