Or you can do as I have and setup port 26 SMTP, thereby routing around 
nazi ISP created damage.  Believe me, the damage that RBL, ORBS, etc can 
do is incredible.  I still use them, but I use them carefully and I 
provide escape routes for people who are still under a global 
everybody-is-guilty-by-default umbrella.

Any person who is in such a position is free to contact me and arrange 
for SMTP transit.


Richard Gooch wrote:

> It's not a guilty-by-default attitude. The DUL is a way for ISPs to
> say "we can't make users accountable for email sent from these IP's,
> so if you're concerned about potential SPAM, block them at your
> end. We've set up a relay so our users can still send out email but
> can be held accountable for abuses".
> The ISP could have blocked outgoing port 25 instead, forcing you to go
> via the relay. Then you'd have no choice.

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