I have been getting kernel panics on kernel 2.4.3
when using the loop device on a rather regular basis.
I get a kernel panic but no oops message.  The kernel
panic message says Kernel panic: invalid blocksize passed
to set_blocksize.  I saw that someone else on the list
has had these problems as well but I have seen no response.
Has a fix for this bug been posted that I have not seen?
Is the fix in any current stable or AC kernel?  As far as
I know I am not using any strange options.  The only thing
I can think of would be that multiple people are using the
loopback device at the same time.  This is because the box
that is having the problems is a build server for a custom
software distro.  We use the loopback filesystem to create
the boot image.  The box is a 4way xeon with 1GB of ram.
Are there any known issues with loopback and SMP?  Or even
loopback and multiple mounts/usage?

ver_linux output attached.

If some fields are empty or look unusual you may have an old version.
Compare to the current minimal requirements in Documentation/Changes.
Linux optimus.applianceware.com 2.4.3 #2 SMP Wed Apr 18 06:00:29 PDT 2001 i686 unknown
Gnu C                  2.96
Gnu make               3.79.1
util-linux             2.10r
modutils               2.4.2
e2fsprogs              1.19
reiserfsprogs          3.x.0b
Linux C Library        2.2.2
Dynamic linker (ldd)   2.2.2
Procps                 2.0.7
Net-tools              1.57
Console-tools          0.3.3
Sh-utils               2.0
Modules Loaded         

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