>Silly question, Sebastien - when you do a "show config" at the console, how
>is your card represented?  FWIU, there have been problems with adapters
>load that aren't fully supported by SRM...  Just a guess.  Could you try
>with a DE600 (Intel) or a DE500 (tulip)?

> - Pete

appended to this email is the output of show conf

I can see the 3COM board at first slot 2
I also have a DE600 board into slot 6 of second PCI bus

DE600 boards freeze my system 
DE504 board freeze my system

I have tried to change the switch, point to point connections... So I
changed to 3com905b
to have a more standart board (in the linux community I mean). :(((

P00>>>show conf
                        Compaq Computer Corporation
                          Compaq AlphaServer ES40

SRM Console:    V5.9-24
ARC Console:    v5.70
PALcode:        OpenVMS PALcode V1.90-101, Tru64 UNIX PALcode V1.86-101
Serial ROM:     V2.12-F  
RMC ROM:        V1.0
RMC Flash ROM:  V2.6

CPU 0           Alpha EV68A pass 2.1 or 2.1A or 3.0 833 MHz  8MB Bcache
CPU 1           Alpha EV68A pass 2.1 or 2.1A or 3.0 833 MHz  8MB Bcache
CPU 2           Alpha EV68A pass 2.1 or 2.1A or 3.0 833 MHz  8MB Bcache
CPU 3           Alpha EV68A pass 2.1 or 2.1A or 3.0 833 MHz  8MB Bcache

Core Logic
Cchip           DECchip 21272-CA Rev 9(C4)
Dchip           DECchip 21272-DA Rev 2
Pchip 0         DECchip 21272-EA Rev 2
Pchip 1         DECchip 21272-EA Rev 2
TIG             Rev 10

  Array       Size       Base Address    Intlv Mode
---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------
    0       2048Mb     0000000000000000    4-Way
    1       2048Mb     0000000080000000    4-Way
    2       2048Mb     0000000100000000    4-Way
    3       2048Mb     0000000180000000    4-Way

     8192 MB of System Memory

 Slot   Option                  Hose 0, Bus 0, PCI
   1    NCR 53C895              pkb0.            SCSI Bus ID 7
                                dkb0.            COMPAQ BD009635C3
                                dkb100.          COMPAQ BF01863644
                                dkb200.          COMPAQ BF01863644
   2    905510B7/905510B7                           
   3    804314C1/804314C1                           
   7    Acer Labs M1543C                                Bridge to Bus 1, ISA
  15    Acer Labs M1543C IDE    dqa.        
                                dqa0.           Compaq   CRD-8402B
  19    Acer Labs M1543C USB                        

        Option                  Hose 0, Bus 1, ISA
        Floppy                  dva0.0.0.1000.0     

 Slot   Option                  Hose 1, Bus 0, PCI
   4    NCR 53C895              pka0.            SCSI Bus ID 7
                                dka0.            COMPAQ BF01863644
                                dka100.          COMPAQ BF01863644
                                dka200.          COMPAQ BF01863644
                                dka300.          COMPAQ BF01863644
   5    QLogic QLA2200          pya0.        
   6    DE600-AA                eia0.            00-50-8B-AE-DD-A0
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