Am Samstag, 8. Juni 2013, 22:34:44 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> Am Freitag, 24. Mai 2013, 13:03:18 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > With 3.10-rc2 I see fan always or almost always on, even during extended
> > periods of basically idling around. I did not notice this with 3.9. This is
> > on an ThinkPad T520 with Intel Sandybridge i5-2520M dual core with
> > hyperthreading at regularily 2,5 GhZ and Intel graphics (no nvidia).
> > 
> > I am using full hz:
> > 
> > martin@merkaba:~/Linux/Kernel/Mainline/Bugs/fan always on with 3.10.2-rc2> 
> > xzgrep NO_HZ config-3.10.0-rc2-tp520.xz
> > # CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set
> > 
> > And P-State driver (which I used in 3.9 already as well).
> > 
> > Kernel config attached as xz. Use xzless or xzcat to display.
> > 
> > 
> > What puzzles is output of powertop, especially:
> Still present in 3.10-rc4.
> I disabled P-State driver but then rpm seems to be even worse.
> Around 2800 rpm all the time, was about 2650 with Intel P State driver.
> Next I will try without CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL and CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL.

Okay, without these both the behavior is better. Fan still does not seem
to get into non running state, which it was able to with earlier kernels
(or userspaces?), but its down to a quiet 1950 rpm with Intel P-State driver
enabled again. CC´d to people from thread "power management regression
in linux 3.10? (related to CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL)" which I think is related.

Powertop values make a lot more sense as well:

PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   

          Package   |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
                    |                     | C0 active   1,4%        0,9%
                    |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    
0,0 ms
                    |                     | C1E-SNB     7,7%    3,0 ms  2,9%    
5,3 ms
C2 (pc2)    1,1%    |                     |
C3 (pc3)    7,2%    | C3 (cc3)    8,4%    | C3-SNB      8,2%    3,1 ms  3,0%   
15,2 ms
C6 (pc6)    4,9%    | C6 (cc6)    9,3%    | C6-SNB      7,0%    3,5 ms  6,2%   
13,0 ms
C7 (pc7)    9,9%    | C7 (cc7)   64,3%    | C7-SNB     73,4%    6,8 ms 84,0%   
21,6 ms

                    |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
                    |                     | C0 active   1,1%        0,9%
                    |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%    
0,0 ms
                    |                     | C1E-SNB    11,0%    6,9 ms  1,4%    
4,8 ms
                    |                     |
                    | C3 (cc3)    9,3%    | C3-SNB      7,7%    5,8 ms  1,9%    
6,0 ms
                    | C6 (cc6)   10,0%    | C6-SNB      8,5%    7,4 ms  4,1%    
4,9 ms
                    | C7 (cc7)   64,9%    | C7-SNB     71,4%    8,2 ms 91,1%    
7,1 ms

PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   

            Package |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
                    |                     | Actual    2,0 GHz     2,4 GHz
Idle        54,4%   | Idle        97,4%   | Idle        98,9%       98,2%
2,90 GHz     0,6%   | 2,90 GHz     0,1%   | 2,90 GHz     0,1%        0,1%
2,81 GHz     2,6%   | 3,10 GHz     0,2%   | 3,10 GHz     0,1%        0,1%
3,10 GHz     1,2%   | 2,10 GHz     0,1%   | 2,10 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
3,21 GHz     7,3%   | 3,21 GHz     0,9%   | 3,21 GHz     0,1%        0,9%
2,10 GHz     2,3%   | 2,81 GHz     0,2%   | 2,81 GHz     0,1%        0,1%
3,00 GHz     3,5%   | 3,00 GHz     0,0%   | 3,00 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
2,40 GHz     3,5%   | 2,40 GHz     0,1%   | 2,40 GHz     0,1%        0,1%
1,91 GHz     1,0%   | 1,91 GHz     0,1%   | 1,91 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
2,21 GHz     0,6%   | 2,21 GHz     0,1%   | 2,21 GHz     0,1%        0,1%

                    |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
                    |                     | Actual    2,4 GHz     2,5 GHz
                    | Idle        56,3%   | Idle        98,4%       57,7%
                    | 2,90 GHz     0,5%   | 2,90 GHz     0,1%        0,9%
                    | 2,81 GHz     2,5%   | 2,81 GHz     0,1%        6,4%
                    | 3,10 GHz     1,1%   | 3,10 GHz     0,2%        2,2%
                    | 3,21 GHz     6,7%   | 3,00 GHz     0,0%        2,4%
                    | 3,00 GHz     3,5%   | 3,21 GHz     0,5%        3,4%
                    | 2,71 GHz     2,4%   | 2,50 GHz     0,1%        3,3%
                    | 2,50 GHz     1,1%   | 2,31 GHz     0,1%        0,4%
                    | 2,31 GHz     0,2%   | 2,71 GHz     0,1%        1,0%
                    | 2,60 GHz     1,0%   | 2,60 GHz     0,1%        2,7%

If I haven´t stated it. This is on a ThinkPad T520 with dual core
Sandybridge i5-2620M at 2.5 GHz (overclockable to 3.2 GhZ), now with
Kernel 3.10-rc5. I didn´t test this one with the full hz stuff enabled, only
rc2 and rc4.

> According to powertop CPU 0 is never idle
> PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> Tunables                                     
>             Package |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
>                     |                     | Actual       843 MHz    1148 MHz
> Turbo Mode   2,2%   | Turbo Mode   2,1%   | Turbo Mode   2,1%        0,8%
> 2,50 GHz     0,9%   | 2,50 GHz     0,9%   | 2,50 GHz     0,9%        0,0%
> 2,00 GHz     0,0%   | 2,00 GHz     0,0%   | 2,00 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
> 1,80 GHz     0,1%   | 1,80 GHz     0,1%   | 1,80 GHz     0,1%        0,0%
> 1,60 GHz     0,0%   | 1,60 GHz     0,0%   | 1,60 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
> 1400 MHz     0,0%   | 1400 MHz     0,0%   | 1400 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
> 1200 MHz     0,0%   | 1200 MHz     0,0%   | 1200 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
> 1000 MHz     0,0%   | 1000 MHz     0,0%   | 1000 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
>  800 MHz    87,9%   |  800 MHz    87,3%   |  800 MHz    87,1%        3,5%
> Idle         9,0%   | Idle         9,6%   | Idle         9,9%       95,7%
>                     |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
>                     |                     | Actual       953 MHz     905 MHz
>                     | Turbo Mode   0,8%   | Turbo Mode   0,7%        0,1%
>                     | 2,50 GHz     0,7%   | 2,50 GHz     0,7%        0,0%
>                     | 2,00 GHz     0,0%   | 2,00 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
>                     | 1,80 GHz     0,1%   | 1,80 GHz     0,1%        0,0%
>                     | 1,60 GHz     0,0%   | 1,60 GHz     0,0%        0,0%
>                     | 1400 MHz     0,0%   | 1400 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
>                     | 1200 MHz     0,0%   | 1200 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
>                     | 1000 MHz     0,0%   | 1000 MHz     0,0%        0,0%
>                     |  800 MHz    10,3%   |  800 MHz     7,4%        3,7%
>                     | Idle        88,1%   | Idle        91,0%       96,2%
> PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> Tunables                                     
>           Package   |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
>                     |                     | C0 active  32,5%        0,3%
>                     |                     | POLL       96,4%    0,9 ms  0,0%  
>   0,0 ms
>                     |                     | C1E-SNB     0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%  
>   0,2 ms
> C2 (pc2)    0,0%    |                     |
> C3 (pc3)    0,0%    | C3 (cc3)    0,0%    | C3-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%  
>   0,1 ms
> C6 (pc6)    0,0%    | C6 (cc6)    0,0%    | C6-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%  
>   0,0 ms
> C7 (pc7)    0,0%    | C7 (cc7)    0,0%    | C7-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms 99,2%  
>  10,9 ms
>                     |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
>                     |                     | C0 active   1,2%        0,7%
>                     |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%  
>   0,0 ms
>                     |                     | C1E-SNB     0,0%    0,1 ms  0,1%  
>   0,2 ms
>                     |                     |
>                     | C3 (cc3)    0,1%    | C3-SNB      0,0%    0,8 ms  0,0%  
>   0,2 ms
>                     | C6 (cc6)    0,0%    | C6-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms  0,0%  
>   0,0 ms
>                     | C7 (cc7)   95,0%    | C7-SNB     97,7%   14,5 ms 97,7%  
>  12,2 ms
> Old outputs with rc2 and P-State driver for comparison:
> > 
> > PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> > Tunables                                     
> > 
> > 
> >           Package   |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
> >                     |                     | C0 active 127,4%        2,3%
> >                                                       ^^^^^^
> >                     |                     | POLL       98,1%    0,9 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,0 ms
> >                                                        ^^^^^
> >                     |                     | C1E-SNB     0,0%    0,0 ms  
> > 0,4%    0,9 ms
> > C2 (pc2)    0,0%    |                     |
> > C3 (pc3)    0,0%    | C3 (cc3)    0,0%    | C3-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms  
> > 0,1%    0,8 ms
> > C6 (pc6)    0,0%    | C6 (cc6)    0,0%    | C6-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,8 ms
> > C7 (pc7)    0,0%    | C7 (cc7)    0,0%    | C7-SNB      0,0%    0,0 ms 
> > 97,5%    7,4 ms
> > 
> >                     |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
> >                     |                     | C0 active   1,9%        0,8%
> >                     |                     | POLL        0,0%    0,0 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,0 ms
> >                     |                     | C1E-SNB     1,1%    1,3 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,1 ms
> >                     |                     |
> >                     | C3 (cc3)    0,3%    | C3-SNB      0,3%    1,0 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,2 ms
> >                     | C6 (cc6)    0,1%    | C6-SNB      0,1%    2,5 ms  
> > 0,0%    0,3 ms
> >                     | C7 (cc7)   96,2%    | C7-SNB     97,0%    7,2 ms 
> > 99,3%   17,2 ms
> > 
> > 
> > PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> > Tunables                                     
> > 
> > 
> >             Package |             Core    |            CPU 0       CPU 1
> >                     |                     | Actual    3,2 GHz     3,1 GHz
> > Idle       100,0%   | Idle       100,0%   | Idle       100,0%      100,0%
> > 
> >                     |             Core    |            CPU 2       CPU 3
> >                     |                     | Actual    3,0 GHz     3,0 GHz
> >                     | Idle       100,0%   | Idle       100,0%      100,0%
> > 
> > 
> > It seems the kernel is overbusying one core completely, if the output of
> > powertop is correct. And why is Actual frequencing of CPUs that high?
> > I saw that kernel tends to overtact quickly. I thought this was due to
> > getting work done quickly and then let it idle. But the idle stats
> > seem bogus to, maybe powertop is not up to date with current kernels?
> > 
> > I see no reason for busying one core. This happens when CPU usage is
> > below 20%. The fan is consistently around 2640 rpm:
> > 
> > 
> > PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> > Tunables                                     
> > 
> > Summary: 399,8 wakeups/second,  0,0 GPU ops/second, 0,0 VFS ops/sec and 
> > 3,0% CPU use
> > 
> >                 Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
> >              2644 rpm                   Device         Laptop fan
> >             100,0%                      Device         Audio codec hwC0D1: 
> > Conexant
> >             100,0%                      Device         Audio codec hwC0D3: 
> > Intel
> >             100,0%                      Device         Audio codec hwC0D0: 
> > Conexant
> >              30,7 µs/s     112,3        Process        [ksoftirqd/0]
> >               4,2 ms/s      83,5        Process        kwin -session 
> > 10cec7d36b000136265311700000023930000_1369322581_349094
> >               0,8 ms/s      67,3        Process        [irq/42-i915@pci]
> >               5,5 ms/s      53,6        Process        /usr/bin/X :0 vt7 
> > -br -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-eXsirc
> >             698,3 µs/s      13,3        Process        [irq/16-mmc0]
> >              85,8 µs/s       9,1        Process        [rcu_preempt]
> >             297,1 µs/s       8,7        Process        /usr/sbin/mysqld 
> > --defaults-file=/home/martin/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf --datadir
> >              78,6 µs/s       8,1        Process        [ksoftirqd/2]
> >               6,7 ms/s       3,7        Process        
> > /usr/bin/plasma-desktop
> >             218,9 µs/s       5,0        Interrupt      [1] timer(softirq)
> >               2,8 ms/s       2,9        Process        /usr/bin/konsole 
> > -session 10cec7d36b000135326160200000249810027_1369322580_899575
> >              65,9 µs/s       3,6        Process        [ksoftirqd/1]
> >              69,8 µs/s       3,5        Process        [ksoftirqd/3]
> >              38,1 µs/s       3,4        Process        [rcuop/3]
> >              35,3 µs/s       2,4        Process        [rcuop/2]
> >               6,0 ms/s      0,00        Process        atop
> >              21,3 µs/s       1,8        Process        [irq/43-ahci]
> >              33,3 µs/s       1,7        Process        [rcuop/0]
> >             122,3 µs/s       1,7        Process        [btrfs-transacti]
> >              66,4 µs/s       1,5        Process        /usr/bin/dirmngr 
> > --daemon --sh
> >              61,2 µs/s       1,0        Process        [rcuop/1]
> >              29,2 µs/s       1,0        Process        
> > /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-afc-volume-monitor
> >              40,8 µs/s       0,9        Timer          process_timeout
> >              25,5 µs/s       0,9        Process        /usr/bin/python 
> > /usr/bin/hp-systray -x
> >              32,2 µs/s       0,7        Process        /usr/bin/dbus-daemon 
> > --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
> >               5,1 µs/s       0,7        Process        [irq/44-eth0]
> >             612,1 µs/s       0,4        Process        ksysguardd
> >             137,6 µs/s       0,5        Interrupt      [7] sched(softirq)
> >               5,6 µs/s       0,5        Timer          clocksource_watchdog
> >              71,2 µs/s       0,4        kWork          disk_events_workfn
> >              57,5 µs/s       0,4        Process        kdeinit4: kded4 
> > [kdeinit]
> >              68,3 µs/s       0,3        Process        akonadiserver
> >              34,6 µs/s       0,3        Process        /usr/bin/virtuoso-t 
> > +foreground +configfile /tmp/virtuoso_fB2599.ini +wait
> >              14,9 µs/s       0,3        Process        /usr/bin/gpg-agent 
> > --daemon --sh --write-env-file=/home/martin/.gnupg/gpg-agent-info-me
> >              39,4 µs/s      0,30        Process        
> > /usr/bin/nepomukservicestub nepomukfileindexer
> > 
> > 
> > PowerTOP v2.0     Overview   Idle stats   Frequency stats   Device stats   
> > Tunables                                     
> > 
> > 
> >               Usage     Device name
> >              2644 rpm     Laptop fan
> >               4,3%        CPU use
> >             100,0%        Audio codec hwC0D3: Intel
> >             100,0%        Audio codec hwC0D0: Conexant
> >             100,0%        Audio codec hwC0D1: Conexant
> >              20,9 pkts/s  Network interface: eth0 (e1000e)
> >             100,0%        USB device: usb-device-8087-0024
> >             100,0%        USB device: usb-device-8087-0024
> >             100,0%        Display backlight
> >             100,0%        Display backlight
> >             100,0%        USB device: EHCI Host Controller
> >             100,0%        USB device: Biometric Coprocessor (UPEK)
> >             100,0%        USB device: Integrated Smart Card Reader (Lenovo)
> >             100,0%        USB device: EHCI Host Controller
> >               0,0 ops/s   GPU
> >             100,0%        USB device: usb-device-17ef-100a
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 5
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 4
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 2
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family MEI Controller #1
> >             100,0%        USB device: PS/2+USB Mouse
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation QM67 Express 
> > Chipset Family LPC Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family 6 port SATA AHCI Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Ricoh Co Ltd MMC/SD Host Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3531 
> > [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 PCIe IEEE 1394 
> > Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit 
> > Network Connection
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 
> > Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core 
> > Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core 
> > Processor Family DRAM Controller
> >             100,0%        PCI Device: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 
> > 6205 [Taylor Peak]
> >               0,0 pkts/s  Network interface: wlan0 (iwlwifi)
> >               0,0%        Thinkpad light
> >               0,0%        Radio device: thinkpad_acpi
> >               0,0%        Radio device: iwlwifi
> > 
> > 
> > I saw nothing outstanding in dmesg or kern.log, just
> > 
> > merkaba:~#2> grep "Intel pstate controlling: cpu" /var/log/kern.log
> > May 20 10:03:31 merkaba kernel: [264852.930994] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 1
> > May 20 10:03:31 merkaba kernel: [264852.944479] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 2
> > May 20 10:03:31 merkaba kernel: [264852.957879] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 3
> > May 21 09:14:03 merkaba kernel: [315800.710623] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 1
> > May 21 09:14:03 merkaba kernel: [315800.724087] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 2
> > May 21 09:14:03 merkaba kernel: [315800.737493] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 3
> > May 21 20:01:20 merkaba kernel: [344305.122543] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 1
> > May 21 20:01:20 merkaba kernel: [344305.135953] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 2
> > May 21 20:01:20 merkaba kernel: [344305.149398] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 3
> > May 21 21:52:18 merkaba kernel: [    1.441043] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 0
> > May 21 21:52:18 merkaba kernel: [    1.441084] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 1
> > May 21 21:52:18 merkaba kernel: [    1.441123] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 2
> > May 21 21:52:18 merkaba kernel: [    1.441162] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 3
> > May 23 17:22:29 merkaba kernel: [    1.860224] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 0
> > May 23 17:22:29 merkaba kernel: [    1.860267] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 1
> > May 23 17:22:29 merkaba kernel: [    1.860306] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 2
> > May 23 17:22:29 merkaba kernel: [    1.860345] Intel pstate controlling: 
> > cpu 3
> > 
> > But these seem to be regular and I had them before as well.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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