"Miquel van Smoorenburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you sure it is idle. It might be running something from cron-
> say 'updatedb' or similar. That will cause a lot of disk i/o,
> and _ofcourse_ performance will be bad then - the machine is
> doing a lot of other things.

I am the only user who use my linux boxes , i never use cron , and i have no
relation with database at all.

> It might also be that you don't have enough memory and the
> machine is swapping itself to death. Running netscape or
> mozilla perhaps? These are known to blow themselves up to
> 50-100 MB (!). That will cause the exact symptoms you're seeing.

I never go to X-Windows , i do all my work from console.

cat /proc/meminfo
                total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  114475008 111816704  2658304  5234688 68067328 24711168
Swap: 583954432  2654208 581300224
MemTotal:    111792 kB
MemFree:       2596 kB
MemShared:     5112 kB
Buffers:      66472 kB
Cached:       24132 kB
SwapTotal:   570268 kB
SwapFree:    567676 kB

> 2.4.2 isn't all that good either.. 2.4.x doesn't have VM sorted
> out just yet

may be this problem of VM as suggested by Mark Hahn.

Thank you,

These are my opinions not 3Di.

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