On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Rafael J. Wysocki <r...@sisk.pl> wrote:

>> In my machine I think the issue is slightly different, I think _BCM is
>> failing, at least until enabling the _DOS thing, but at the end of the
>> day it's the same thing for the check; _BQC is always returning the
>> same value, and the code above will find that out, regardless of which
>> values are tested.
>> For my particular machine though, I think it's more interesting to
>> find out why _BCM is failing before _DOS, and why efaa14c made it
>> work. If that is actually the case.
> That depends on how the BIOS+platform is designed and that may change from
> one system to another quite a bit.

Maybe, but it seems there's at least another ASUS machine with the
same behavior, and it seems a lot of ASUS machines behave very

> The only common denominator is what Windows expects (and that unfortunately
> depends on the version of Windows too), because that's the functionality
> which is likely to have been tested.  Anything else is likely to be untested
> and therefore most probably buggy.

Maybe, or maybe we are doing something wrong.

It's worth to try to find that out.

Felipe Contreras
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