Alan Cox writes:
 > On Llu, 2005-01-17 at 14:29, Egbert Eich wrote:
 > > OK, sounds promising. The changed Xserver pieces are in HEAD of the 
 > > X.Org tree. I'll see that I make the necessary adjustments to have
 > > a soft detection if you can give me a version number of the kernel
 > > which will have the new features.
 > Send a copy directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] for merging.
 > It looks fine to me. You'll need to include a "Signed-off-by: .." line
 > to indicate you are submitting it and have the rights to do so. You can
 > tag it with "Approved-by: Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".

Thanks, I will do that.
I have attached the patch for kernel version detection to the bugzilla (#2277) assuming this feature will be
in the kernel starting with version 2.6.11.

 > If you mention you need to know what kernel merges it for the X11 check
 > I'm sure you'll get an answer.

OK, will do.

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