>Please, remember that I pushed your patch to a temporary branch, only
>for you to be able to easily pick it. I do not send it upstream.

>As I said, I need to you look at it and confirm that it is all-right.
>And if it is not all-right, correct it.

>This is because I modified it myself.

>So waiting for your response on this.
I checked the code you modified, compile, and run on our platform, it is ok.

+       ubi_err("cannot invalidate PEB %d, write returned %d write returned %d",
+               pnum, err, err); 

But I think above code print "write err" twice. so I suggest to change to below:

+       ubi_err("cannot invalidate PEB %d, write returned %d", pnum, err);
I will send you the patch in another email convenient for you to apply patch.

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