
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 09:28:45AM -0500, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> I upgraded a system from 2.4.19 (or so) to 2.6.10. Using a USB memory 
> stick reader one, and only one, stick is now read-only.
>  - I can't go back, this was a backup/reinstall upgrade
>  - it doesn't happen on Win98
>  - it doesn't happen on WinXPhome
>  - it doesn't happen on OSX
>  - it doesn't happen in the camera
>  - it doesn't happen with four other sticks bought at the same time
>    and used in the same camera
> Out of the box FC2 + 2.6.10 built from kernel.org source.
> Before I start playing with the drivers and all, is there a known oddity 
> in this area which I missed searching?
> -- 
>    -bill davidsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> "The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
>  last possible moment - but no longer"  -me
> -
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Matthew Dharm                              Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Maintainer, Linux USB Mass Storage Driver

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User Friendly, 12/1/1998

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