
El 17/02/14 12:04, Gregory CLEMENT escribió:
Please read what I have written: "if there is no output-name, which is our
default case) this proposal just ignored the parent clock given by the device

Extract of your code from the link you pointed:

const char *default_parent = "tclk";


of_property_read_string_index(clkspec.np, "clock-output-names",
                                              clkspec.args_count ? 
clkspec.args[0] : 0,

example of a valid dts:
                        gateclk: clock-gating-control@18220 {
                                compatible = "marvell,foo-bar-gating-clock";
                                reg = <0x18220 0x4>;
                                clocks = <&coreclk 1>;
                                #clock-cells = <1>;

So in this fictional but still valid example, the device tree indicates that 
the parent
clock of the gating clock is the 2nd clock provided by the coreclk which is 
"cpuclk". As no clock-output-names is used, then this will be totally ignore 
and instead
of using "cpuclk" as parent "tclk" will be used.

I can see your point now, but as this is completely fictional, I'd say it's irrelevant. You can just add the names if Marvell ever makes a chip that sources the gates from the second coreclk. As far as I can see on the device trees in Linux, all mvebu hardware always sources them from tclk. Don't try to over-engineer your driver for something that is unlikely to happen in reality.

If you in the future need to support another legacy platform with a half-cooked DT not listing the names, you can always list the right parent on the divisor table (see link for example) and override the default.


I hope this example will show you, what I disagree with this proposal and why it
introduce some regression.

It's not a regression if things don't break :-)


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