On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 01:17:00PM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:

> So if we knew that doing this would hurt our business, which according
> you is the only thing we care about, then why would we do it?  The usual
> response is the marketing value we get out of it.  Yes, we certainly do
> get some positive marketing out of this.  We also get a ton of negative
> marketing, you are aware of that, right?

What you also get is a lot of testing coming from a real-world big
project, and you seem to give a lot of importance to this:

> I think you are dreaming.  You've gone from wanting enough information
> to supposedly debug your source tree to being explicit about wanting to
> recreate the entire BK history in a different system.  The former is a
> reasonable request, I suppose, but the latter is just a blatent request 
> for us to help debug and stress test a competing system.

You are also saying:
> You are saying we are an evil money grubbing corporation because we
> don't want to give our technology to our competitors.  Fair enough,
> that's true, we don't.

But that's not the point. The point is, as Nicolas said it very well:
> Again, the BK value is in the efficiency and reliability it has to
> handle a tree like the Linux kernel, not in the Linux kernel tree.  It's
> not necessary for you to give away that value in order to provide the
> simple information needed to reconstruct the Linux tree structure as
> people are asking.

And the whole discussion happens because you disagree on this one.

I'm fed up now so I'll stop here.

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