于 2014年03月20日 18:09, Lothar Waßmann 写道:
This can be disabled by parameter in the FCB (at least according to
the i.MX6 reference Manual):
from imx28's reference manual, there is not such bit in the FCB to disable the swapping. But you are disabling the swapping in the imx28's DTS file, isn't it?

I think it is dangerous.

|DISBBM 172 4 If 0 ROM will swap BadBlockMarkerByte with
|             metadata[0] after reading a page using BCH40.
|             If the value set is 1 then ROM will not do
|             swapping

I will consult with our ROM colleague about this DISBBM bit.

I am not sure if the ROM still do the swapping for the uboot when we set DISBBM bit.

Huang Shijie

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