On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 07:16:59PM -0500, Bill Rugolsky Jr. wrote:

> Sorry for the long delay in replying; the HiNote needed some effort to get
> the thing up and running again.  [Various bits of hardware are broken;
> the power switch, floppy, and CD-ROM are busted/flakey.]  I've now got
> Fedora Core 3 running on it. I was pleasantly surprised that the 2.6.9
> i83265 PCMCIA module loads, and the internal Xircom CEM56 network/modem works.
> [Broken with 2.6.10+ though; the fix is probably trivial.]
> I wasn't sure exactly what to test.  I applied the following patch
> to 2.6.11-rc3-bk9, and booted with i8042_debug=1.  So far, it works
> as expected, and there is nothing of interest in the kernel log.
> [Also worked with the FC3 2.6.9 kernel and this patch+DEBUG.]
> Now that things are up and running, I will apply any patches that you
> would like tested.

And I suppose it was running just fine without the patch as well?

The question was whether the patch helps, or whether it is not needed.

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs, SuSE CR
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