On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Paulo Marques wrote:
Franck Bui-Huu wrote:

Looking at TTY code, I noticed a weird test done in "opost_bock"
located in n_tty.c file. I don't understand why the following test is
done at the start of the function:
if (nr > sizeof(buf))
       nr = sizeof(buf);
Actually it limits the size of processing blocks to 4 bytes and I can't
find a reason why.

No, it limits the size to 80 bytes, which is the size of buf.

sizeof returns the size of the char array buf[80]
(standard C)

Huh?? "buf" is a pointer. On this system pointers are 4-bytes in length. What "standard C" are you using? Frank found a bug.

Dick Johnson
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