Hello, everyone.

Andrew Morton wrote:
> Jay Lan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Since the need of Linux system accounting has gone beyond what BSD
>>accounting provides, i think it is a good idea to create a thin layer
>>of common code for various accounting packages, such as BSD accounting,
>>CSA, ELSA, etc. The hook to do_exit() at exit.c was changed to invoke
>>a routine in the common code which would then invoke those accounting
>>packages that register to the acct_common to handle do_exit situation.
> This all seems to be heading in the wrong direction.  Do we really want to
> have lots of different system accounting packages all hooking into a
> generic we-cant-decide-what-to-do-so-we-added-some-pointless-overhead
> framework?
> Can't we get _one_ accounting system in there, get it right, avoid the
> framework?

I think there are two issues about system accounting framework.

Issue: 1) How to define the appropriate unit for accounting ?
Current BSD-accountiong make a collection per process accounting information.
CSA make additionally a collection per process-aggregation accounting.

It is appropriate to make the fork-exit event handling framework for definition
of the process-aggregation, such as PAGG.

This system-accounting per process-aggregation is quite useful,
thought I tried the SGI's implementation named 'job' in past days.

Issue: 2) What items should be collected for accounting information ? BSD-accounting collects PID/UID/GID, User/Sys/Elapsed-Time, and # of minor/major page faults. SGI's CSA collects VM/RSS size on exit time, Integral-VM/RSS, and amount of block-I/O additionally.

I think it's hard to implement the accounting-engine as a kernel loadable
module using any kinds of framework. Because, we must put callback functions
into all around the kernel for this purpose.

Thus, I make a proposion as follows:
We should separate the process-aggregation functionality and collecting
accounting informations.
Something of framework to implement process-aggregation is necessary.
And, making a collection of accounting information should be merged
into BSD-accounting and implemented as a part of monolithic kernel
as Guillaume said.

Linux Promotion Center, NEC
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