On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Sören Brinkmann
<soren.brinkm...@xilinx.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess this is just to evaluate how big the lynch mob will be. Anyway:
> Triggered by this discussion https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/5/15/46, I
> looked a little into what it would take to migrate everybody to Hz
> frequency resolutions to avoid all the conversions between cpufreq, CCF,
> OPPs, etc.
> Turns out, OPPs are already stored in Hz resolution in the kernel, but the DT
> bindings use kHz resolution to specify them in DT. So, code-wise there
> is just a removal of a multiplication in the OPP parser (see below), but
> then there are the DT bindings...

Yep :( unfortunately, so :(

> As plan B, I was thinking to add the property 'operating-points-hz'...
> Any better ideas?

property operating-points-hz as a bool perhaps -> that modifies the
description and maintains legacy dtb support sounds OK to me if DT
folks and Rafael are ok with it as well.

Nishanth Menon
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