> 32bit:
> ------
> hitchcock:/home/bernd/src/tests# strace32 ./test_stat32 /mnt/test/yp
> execve("./test_stat32", ["./test_stat32", "/mnt/test/yp"], [/* 39 vars */]) = 
> 0
> uname({sys="Linux", node="hitchcock", ...}) = 0
> brk(0)                                  = 0x80ad000
> brk(0x80ce000)                          = 0x80ce000
> stat64("/mnt/test/yp", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=2704, ...}) = 0

It returns 0 which is success. How can it match this code? 

        if (stat (dir, &buf) == -1)
                 fprintf(stderr, "stat for %s failed \n", dir);

It is most likely some kind of user space problem.  I would change
it to int err = stat(dir, &buf);
and then go through it with gdb and see what value err gets assigned.

I cannot see any kernel problem.

> write(2, "stat for /mnt/test/yp failed \n", 30stat for /mnt/test/yp failed 
> ) = 30
> exit_group(0)                           = ?


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