On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 02:36:09PM +0800, Yuyang Du wrote:
> We intercept load balancing to contain the load and load balancing in
> the consolidated CPUs according to our consolidating mechanism.
> In wakeup/fork/exec load balaning, when to find the idlest sched_group,
> we first try to find the consolidated group

Anything with intercept in is a complete non-starter. You still fully
duplicate the logic.

You really didn't get anything I said, did you?

Please as to go back to square 1 and read again.

So take a step back and try and explain what and why you're doing
things, also try and look at what other people are doing. If I see
another patch from you within two weeks I'll simply delete it, there's
no way you can read up and fix everything in such a short time.

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