On Friday 04 March 2005 00:53, Alan Jenkins wrote:
> Having a GeForce FX 5200 which I expected to work under rivafb (kernel
> version 2.6.11), I found the attached message on google groups.
> I know it is a little later now, but would you think about getting the
> work you've done committed?
> I recognise that updating the driver to work with more recent kernels
> would involve a reasonable amount of work.  I don't need the driver
> personally (although it would be nice).  I wouldn't be able to take
> advantage of TV out either, but if you can get the code into the kernel
> then more people are likely to look at it.
> If you're not going to do anything, could you send me the latest
> version?  I don't promise to do anything but as a student I should have
> the time to do so.  Actuall skill is another matter :)

Wow, it's been ages.. I eventually stopped caring about this patch because i 
realized with my skills TV out would be utterly impossible, which was very 
important for me.. So for now I am STILL using VesaFB and the binary nvidia X 

The patch I did prepare were a few strategic copy pastes from the X "nv" 
driver which "works" (without TV out) for Geforce FX... I hardly understand 
at all what I have done (hardware, just ain't my thing :).

You're free to have the patch though.. I'd advise cleaning it up though, there 
is still some debugging stuff in there...
Also, this is actually a common trait for Any rivafb output, the cursor is 
horribly broken.. I had a hack in the patch to fix this, but this probably 
not welcome for the official driver...

- ods15
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