Linus Torvalds wrote:

I've long since decided that there's no point to making "-pre". What's the difference between a "-pre" and a daily -bk snapshot? Really?

The fact that not a script, but Linus Torvalds, decides that the tree is in a state he likes to share with others. You have been doing -pre's all this time, it's just that you are calling them -rc's.

So when I do a release, it _is_ an -rc. The fact that people have trouble understanding this is not _my_ fault.

You have no intent whatsoever to release your -rc1's as the next -final, so what is this private definition of "release candidate" we are not understanding?

Note, I am not complaining about 2.6. I think it's an absolute wonderful kernel, it works beautifully for me, I have no stability issues, but you indicated you wanted more testers for -rc and that's simply not going to happen when there aren't any real -rc's.


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