On 06/26/2014 12:00 AM, Chema Gonzalez wrote:
There's still the problem of whether we want to obsolete classic BPF
in the kernel before the tools (libpcap mainly) accept eBPF. This can
take a lot.

Finally, what's the user's CLI interface you have in mind? Right now,
tcpdump expressions are very handy: I know I can pass "ip[2:2] ==
1500" or "(tcp[13] & 0x03)" to any libpcap-based application. This is
very handy to log into a machine, and quickly run tcpdump to get the
packets I'm interested on. What would be the model for using C-- eBPF
filters in the same manner?

Yes, imho, it's a valid question to ask. I think there are a couple
of possibilities for libpcap/tcpdump from a user point of view (note,
I don't strictly think it's the _only_ main user though): 1) iff a
llvm and/or gcc backend gets merged from the compiler side, one could
add a cli interface to run the generated opcodes from a file for
advanced filters while perhaps classic BPF continues to be supported
via its high-level filter expressions; 2) there could be a Linux-only
compiler in libpcap that translates and makes use of full eBPF (though
significantly more effort to implement); 3) libpcap continues to use
classic BPF as it's currently doing.
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