I choose the spec. If an implementation is not conformant to the spec,
it doesn't "work".

Not to say that Linux doesn't have to work around bugs in actual
implementations, of course.  And there's a lot of those.  Too bad ;-)

Yah, well.. ok, let's say we have a spec... and an implementation that represents about 90% of the machines concerned. Those 90% have the "bug"... what do you chose ? :)

What do you mean? I already said we have to work around this bug -- but it IS a bug. That's all.

The separator in "compatible", afaik, is \0, not space btw.

Please re-read my original message? Yes the "separator" is 0x00; of course it isn't space, as space isn't allowed at all.

On possibiliy would be to have the kernel replace spaces with
underscores for the sake of matching. That would make life easier for

Yes, that'll probably work just fine. Or use 0xb1, showing that this is "plus-minus" correct :-)


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