On 08/25/2014 02:13 PM, Rasmus Villemoes wrote:
A 9+ years old comment in hash_64 says that gcc can't optimize
multiplication by GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64. Well, compilers get smarter
and CPUs get faster all the time, so it is perhaps about time to
revisit that assumption.

Seems fine by me, but Cc'ing a couple of others (as those you have Cc'ed
haven't written that code :)). You might want to let your changes go via
Andrew's tree, too, perhaps ...

A stupid micro-benchmark [3] on my x86_64 machine shows that letting
gcc generate the imul instruction is ~60% faster than the sequence of
shifts and add/sub. But that is cheating, since the load of the
constant is hoisted out of the loop. A slightly less stupid [1]
micro-benchmark still shows ~55% improvement over the current
version. So let the compiler do its job.

Also, this should reduce the instruction cache footprint of all
callers of the force-inlined hash_64. [2]

While at it, fix the suffixes of GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_{32,64} so that
their types are compatible with u32/u64 on all platforms (I'm not sure
what the compiler does on a 32-bit platform when encountering a
too-wide literal with an explicit UL suffix).

[1] It is stupid in another way, since my inline asm skills
suck. Still, I at least get to force the compiler to do the load on
every loop iteration.

[2] Well, it is an overall win: x86_64, defconfig, gcc 4.7.2:
$ scripts/bloat-o-meter /tmp/vmlinux-{master,hash}
add/remove: 0/1 grow/shrink: 17/44 up/down: 622/-2418 (-1796)

[3] Please don't laugh:
   $ gcc -Wall -O2 -o hashtest hashtest.c
   $ ./hashtest
   gcc_hash        2093320 12624
   asm_hash        2093320 14264
   kernel_hash     2093320 32076
   $ echo $((100*12624/32076)), $((100*14264/32076))
   39, 44

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <rdtsc.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define u64 uint64_t

#define GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64 0x9e37fffffffc0001UL

#ifndef __always_inline
#define __always_inline __inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))

static __always_inline u64 kernel_hash(u64 val, unsigned int bits)
        u64 hash = val;

        /*  Sigh, gcc can't optimise this alone like it does for 32 bits. */
        u64 n = hash;
        n <<= 18;
        hash -= n;
        n <<= 33;
        hash -= n;
        n <<= 3;
        hash += n;
        n <<= 3;
        hash -= n;
        n <<= 4;
        hash += n;
        n <<= 2;
        hash += n;

        /* High bits are more random, so use them. */
        return hash >> (64 - bits);

static __always_inline u64 gcc_hash(u64 val, unsigned int bits)
        u64 hash = val * GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64;
        return hash >> (64 - bits);

static __always_inline u64 asm_hash(u64 val, unsigned int bits)
        u64 hash;
        __asm__("mov %1, %%rax\n\t"
                "movabs $0x9e37fffffffc0001,%%rdx\n\t"
                "imul   %%rdx,%%rax\n\t"
                "mov    %%rax, %0"
                : "=r"(hash)
                : "%rax", "%rdx");
        return hash >> (64 - bits);

/* I have 32 KiB of L1 data cache. */
#define N ((1<<15)/sizeof(u64))
#define NBITS 10 /* doesn't seem to affect the outcome */

int main(void)
        unsigned long start, stop;
        u64 buf[N];
        int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
        u64 sum;
        int i;

        if (fd < 0)
        if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf))

#define TEST(f) do {                                            \
                sum = 0;                                        \
                start = rdtsc();                                \
                for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)                              \
                        sum += f(buf[i], NBITS);                \
                stop = rdtsc();                                 \
                printf("%s\t%lu\t%lu\n", #f, sum, stop-start);        \
        } while (0)


        return 0;

Signed-off-by: Rasmus Villemoes <li...@rasmusvillemoes.dk>
  include/linux/hash.h | 21 +++------------------
  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/linux/hash.h b/include/linux/hash.h
index bd1754c..6a0879a 100644
--- a/include/linux/hash.h
+++ b/include/linux/hash.h
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
  #include <linux/compiler.h>

  /* 2^31 + 2^29 - 2^25 + 2^22 - 2^19 - 2^16 + 1 */
-#define GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_32 0x9e370001UL
+#define GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_32 0x9e370001U
  /*  2^63 + 2^61 - 2^57 + 2^54 - 2^51 - 2^18 + 1 */
-#define GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64 0x9e37fffffffc0001UL
+#define GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64 0x9e37fffffffc0001ULL

  #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
@@ -35,22 +35,7 @@

  static __always_inline u64 hash_64(u64 val, unsigned int bits)
-       u64 hash = val;
-       /*  Sigh, gcc can't optimise this alone like it does for 32 bits. */
-       u64 n = hash;
-       n <<= 18;
-       hash -= n;
-       n <<= 33;
-       hash -= n;
-       n <<= 3;
-       hash += n;
-       n <<= 3;
-       hash -= n;
-       n <<= 4;
-       hash += n;
-       n <<= 2;
-       hash += n;
+       u64 hash = val * GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME_64;

        /* High bits are more random, so use them. */
        return hash >> (64 - bits);

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