On 09/18, Roman Peniaev wrote:
> If my final understanding is right (please, correct me if I am still wrong),
> following reordering can happen, but we are fine with it:
> wake_up_rootfs                 wait_event
> check the list, but empty
> set CONDITION <<< reordered


>                                           LOCK
>                                           add to the list
>                                           rmb            <<< now we

Yes, but note that "now we see CONDITION" is true right after LOCK,
not sure what does this "rmb" in your pseudo mean. If you meant mb()
implied by set_current_state(), please see the comment above

>                                           UNLOCK
>                                           check CONDITION <<< it is
> set, we are woken up

Yes. In short, we rely on wait_queue_head_t->lock. Once a CPU takes
this lock, it should see all changes done by another CPU before it
released the same lock.


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