[disregard my previous mail. I should have read the whole thread first]

On Saturday 02 April 2005 07:50, Robert Hancock wrote:
> As it turns out, the memset in my version of glibc x86_64 is not using 
> such a string instruction though - it seems to be using two different 
> sets of instructions depending on the size of the memset (not sure 
> exactly how they're calculating the threshold between these..) For sizes 
> below the treshold, this is the inner loop - it's using normal mov 
> instructions:
> 3:    /* Copy 64 bytes.  */
>       mov     %r8,(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x8(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x10(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x18(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x20(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x28(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x30(%rcx)
>       mov     %r8,0x38(%rcx)
>       add     $0x40,%rcx
>       dec     %rax
>       jne     3b
> For sizes above the threshold though, this is the inner loop. It's using 
> movnti which is an SSE cache-bypasssing store:
> 11:   /* Copy 64 bytes without polluting the cache.  */
>       /* We could use movntdq    %xmm0,(%rcx) here to further
>          speed up for large cases but let's not use XMM registers.  */
>       movnti  %r8,(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x8(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x10(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x18(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x20(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x28(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x30(%rcx)
>       movnti  %r8,0x38(%rcx)
>       add     $0x40,%rcx
>       dec     %rax
>       jne     11b

This is a very rarely used instruction. People either do
plain old rep stosl or do 3DNOW or SSE2 non-temporal stores.

Maybe movnti is different (buggy?) in subtle way.

Does it blow up if you use 3DNOW or SSE2 non-temporal stores?

If yes, then try different BIOS (not nesessarily latest is best).
BTW, 'Athlon bug' was tracked down similarly. New BIOS enabled
buggy chipset feature - BOOM! non-temporals killed the box
(took several months to figure it out back then).

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