How are you doing? It's a wonderful compliment to write to you today.
My name is Carolina. I am a Simple and Honest girl. I have something
to tell you, perhaps you might be of assistance to me. I Had always
wanted to be a medical Doctor and my teachers in school used to
encourage me that I could do it But I could not go further because of
the untimely death of my parent. I lost my family in a Fatal Car
accident. It was really a sad day for me and as I was crying the
people present started crying as-well because I am the only child.
 so I didn’t get the chance to go to higher institution though I
managed to finish secondary school. I cried my eyes out but I could do

Before my Father died, He told me he kept $5.9 M in the bank. I need
your ASSISTANCE TO TRANSFER the money into your Bank Account for
 I have the LEGAL documents here with me; I will send them to you IF
you can help me out from this situation SO that I can further my
education, while you MANAGE the money in a Lucrative Business of YOUR
choice and HELP the less privileged. As I write this, I am uncertainty
of what future is ahead of me. Please tell me what Percentage of the
total money will be GOOD for you after the money is TRANSFERRED to
your account? I need an Honest and Trustworthy person who can take
good care of me, make good use of my Father Wealth and get me through
in life. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
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