
Nikolay Borisov:
> My question is what are the repercussions of get_next_ino overflowing 
> and at some point having possibly multiple inodes on my system with the 
> same i_ino id? And why is it safe to have the inode id's overflow and 
> wrap around?

I am afraid some applications won't work correctly.
As far as I know, ls(1) and find(1) don't show the file whose inum is

See also
        Subject: [PATCH v2] vfs: get_next_ino(), never inum=0
        Date: 2014-05-28 14:06:32
and their thread.

For tmpfs, I have another patch. Just FYI, here attached.

J. R. Okajima

Attachment: a.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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