> ib_mthca 0000:04:00.0: FW version 000400060002, max commands 64

This is FW 4.6.2 -- 4.7.0 has been released, so it might be worth
trying that.

    > ib_mthca 0000:04:00.0: NOP command IRQ test passed
    > ib_mthca 0000:04:00.0: mthca_init_qp_table: mthca_CONF_SPECIAL_QP failed 
for 0/1024 (-16)

Hmm, looks like CONF_SPECIAL_QP is timing out.

MST (or any Mellanox people), any idea why this might happening?  The
NOP command is working fine with interrupts, but CONF_SPECIAL_QP is
timing out.  The difference from the working setup is that the HCA's
local memory is mapped above 4 GB.

 - R.
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