
On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 01:22:57PM +0100, Matt Fleming wrote:
> I wager that this assertion is wrong. Having individual applications
> program their own cache mask is not going to be the most common
> scenario. Only in very specific situations would you trust an
> application to do that.

As I wrote in the other reply, I don't buy that.  The above only holds
if you exclude use cases where this feature is used by multiple
threads of an application and I can't see a single reason why such
uses would be excluded.

> A much more likely use case is having the sysadmin carve up the cache
> for a workload which may include multiple, uncooperating applications.
> Yes, a programmable interface would be useful, but only for a limited
> set of workloads. I don't think it's how most people are going to want
> to use this hardware technology.

It's actually the other way around.  You can achieve most of what
cgroups can do with programmable interface albeit with some
awkwardness.  The other direction is a lot more heavier and painful.


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