On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 11:14:36AM -0600, Jim Ramsay wrote:
> I think I have found a possible bug:
> [...]
> I suppose the scsi code could be changed to guarantee that
> srb->request_buffer is page-aligned or cache-aligned, but that seems
> like the wrong solution for this bug.

Fixing the SCSI layer is -exactly- the correct solution.  The SCSI layer is
supposed to guarantee us that those buffers are suitable for DMA'ing, and
apparently it's violating that promise.


Matthew Dharm                              Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Maintainer, Linux USB Mass Storage Driver

What, are you one of those Microsoft-bashing Linux freaks?
                                        -- Customer to Greg
User Friendly, 2/10/1999

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