On Thursday 17 December 2009, Jules Agee wrote:
> I'm getting more complaints lately from users on my network about spam.
> Investigating the complaints reveals they get between five or ten per
> day on average. This is about what I expect in my own inbox, and I don't
> mind because it's a lot better than it used to be.
> But it seems like people have higher expectations these days, and I'm
> wondering if I should consider alternatives to what I'm doing now.
> Right now I'm using postgrey and spamassassin. According to my server
> logs, internet MXs make about 1.5 million connections to our server per
> week. 90% of those are blocked by greylisting, about 4% are tagged by
> SpamAssassin, and the remaining 6% are delivered to users' inboxes
> unchanged.
> Are any of you getting better results with another solution?
> -Jules
At my office we are using our ISP's RedCondor box. That pre-filters the email 
for us, so it is extremely rare for us to get any junk email.

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