On Sun, Jan 03, 2010 at 10:42:49PM -0800, Robert Woodcock wrote:
>Hardware RAID does not have this problem because the state of each disk is
>stored in controller NVRAM instead.

Some of it.  Some of it is also stored on the disk; otherwise if you lost a
controller you'd lose the array too.  Now, a PERC card will COMPLAIN if you
slide a whole new array underneath it, but it will, if you poke it right,
merrily pick up where the old dead card left off... 

>Hardware RAID *does* have the additional problem that arrays will generally
>only be readable with the same brand and family of controller. Not fun if
>an old controller dies and you have to procure a used spare from

Which is why, if you expect to have a bunch of like machines for a while and
aren't going to be on vendor-supported maintenance, you buy a case of the
controllers and store them carefully.  (H/t Dan Wilder for that idea.)

-- Glenn

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