Sometime near 2010-02-03 14:22 -0800, Larry M Bateman scribed:

> The connection is the problem, not the service. I can't rely on having an
> internet connection for both the PC and phone, so I need some way to connect
> them directly.
> Thanks to all for your responses. Just some futher notes:
> Regarding tethering, what I meant was if I do tether the PC through the
> phone, even if the phone has no upstream, I can talk between the PC
> and the phone. I do know what tethering is. I've tested this method with
> root access on the Android and it works fine.
> I have looked at little USB mini-routers for the notebook. Every one I've
> looked at so far is not what I would call reliable. I don't think lugging
> a full sized router, requiring an AC plug is practical.
> Again, I appreciate everyone's insight. Thanks!

I'm becoming more confused, not less.

What are your reqiurements - check all that apply:

  * android and laptop will be too far away for bluetooth
  * android and laptop will be too far away for USB
  * android and laptop will be too far away for wireless
  * android needs internet connectivity
  * laptop needs internet connectivity
  * I do have an AP to which the android can connect
  * I do have an AP to which the laptop can connect
  * The AP is the same for both
  * The AP is different for both
  * there may be more than one android or laptop that may
    'see' each other, and I need a way to make sure each
    talks to the 'right' one.

If you can't use a standalone AP, one solution would be to set up
your linux laptop to be an access point.  Have the android
associate with it and then they're on the same network.
The linux box could run a DNS server that provides its
IP address via DNS so the android app knows whom it should

Bri Hatch, Systems and Security Engineer.

"It's hideous, would never get accepted upstream, and would cause
 any purist to expunge generously into the nearest porcelain..."
--Geoff Thorpe

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