On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 11:15:27 -0700
Jules Agee <jul...@pcf.com> wrote:

> Tim Maher wrote:
> > In any case, I'm wondering why you're even bothering to remove the
> > leading slash in a pathname like /home. If it's because you're
> > worried about ending up with two slashes when you prepend another
> > path to it, that's no problem, because multiple slashes mean the
> > same thing as only one (/home = //home, ///////////////home, etc.)
> > on Linux--and UNIX too, if memory serves.
> > 
> Probably to avoid the risk of overwriting /home during a restore of
> the backup.

Selection=${selection##/}  # where $selection is /directoryname
output="/BACKUP/$Selection-$(date +%d%b%Y).bz2"

I also was adding it to a list and didn't want leading "/".

Tom Taylor - retired penguin
openSuSE 11.3-M4 x86_64
KDE 4.4.1, FF 3.6

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