
Simply run tasksel from the command line and deselect the Desktop option. I would then run apt-get autoremove to get rid of dependent packages that are no longer needed.



On 12/21/2011 06:22 AM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
In the installer on Debian I accidently pressed Enter when I wanted to
deselect the default full desktop (so only the core would be selected)
but wrong field was highlighted.

After installation is there any simple way to deinstall all the extra
packages? I only want the core packages installed.

I need to remove near 1000 packages. Maybe reinstalling would be easier,
but I'd like to learn if there is a simple Debian / apt way.


   Jeremy C. Reed

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it
 connected to the entire universe"            John Muir

Chris "Ski" Kacoroski, Unix Admin
206-501-9803, ski98033 on IRC and most IM services

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