Dne 29. 01. 22 v 21:09 Demi Marie Obenour napsal(a):
On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 08:42:21PM +0100, Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
Dne 29. 01. 22 v 19:52 Demi Marie Obenour napsal(a):
Is it possible to configure LVM2 so that it runs thin_trim before it
activates a thin pool?  Qubes OS currently runs blkdiscard on every thin
volume before deleting it, which is slow and unreliable.  Would running
thin_trim during system startup provide a better alternative?


Nope there is currently no support from lvm2 side for this.
Feel free to open RFE.

Done: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2048160


Although your use-case Thinpool on top of VDO is not really a good plan and there is a good reason behind why lvm2 does not support this device stack directly (aka thin-pool data LV as VDO LV).
I'd say you are stepping on very very thin ice...

Also I assume you have already checked performance of discard on VDO, but I would not want to run this operation frequently on any larger volume...



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