On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 15:47 +0100, Oldrich Jedlicka wrote:
> Hi,
> please have a look at the attached patch.
> Signed-off-by: Oldřich Jedlička <oldium....@seznam.cz>
> Thanks,
> Oldřich.

Hello, Oldrich

I tried to find your patch(this and from 1 Feb) on patchwork.kernel.org
and failed :(
Probably this tool doesn't handle attachment patches. So, there is a
good hint - it's better to inline text in the body of the emai. It's
easier to review them and they didn't lost cos patchwork.kernel.org
catches them.
You can find instructions in linux/Documentation/email-clients.txt how
to use email-client in this way.

Best regards, Klimov Alexey

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