Terry Wu a écrit :

    I add the following codes in the cx23885_initialize() of cx25840-core.c:
        /* Drive GPIO2 (GPIO 19~23) direction and values for DVB-T */
        cx25840_and_or(client, 0x160, 0x1d, 0x00);
        cx25840_write(client, 0x164, 0x00);

    Before that, the tuning status is 0x1e, but <0> service found.
    Now, I can watch DVB-T (Taiwan, 6MHz bandwidth).

    And if you are living in Australia, you should update the
tuner-xc2028.c too:

Best Regards,
I have updaded the cx23885_initialize() function of the cx25840-core.c file with your codes.

But with the new built kernel i have the same error both with scan and kaffeine.

Best regards


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