On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 13:23 -0400, Devin Heitmueller wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Robert
> Krakora<rob.krak...@messagenetsystems.com> wrote:
> > I had ran into this before with the KWorld a few months back.
> > However, whatever problem existed that forced me to add
> > "no_poweroff=1" to modprobe.conf for the em28xx module has went away.
> > I have been able to use v4l-ctl or ivtv-tune without any problems to
> > tune analog channels over cable.
> Well, bear in mind that if you run v4l-ctl *after* the program is
> streaming it should work.  However, if you run v4l-ctl and then try to
> stream I suspect it will fail.
> If it's working, then perhaps I should take a look at the power
> management code in em28xx/xc2028 since I don't know why it would work

Hmm, that sure sounds like a V4L2 spec violation.  From the V4L2 close()

"Closes the device. Any I/O in progress is terminated and resources
associated with the file descriptor are freed. However data format
parameters, current input or output, control values or other properties
remain unchanged."


> (and perhaps the tuner is *not* being powered down like it should be).
> Devin

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