Hi Acelan Kao,

I got news from a person who has the sensor mi1320_soc and had a
vertical flip problem. She found that the sensor register 0x20 sets the
image flips: bit 0 = vertical, bit 1 = horizontal.

Comparing the sequences of the mi1310_soc, the bit 0 is inverted in the
sxga (0x0303 instead of 0x0302). May you change it and see if the image
is normal? (line ~ 706  {0x20, 0x03, 0x03, 0xbb}, -> 0x03, 0x02)

Best regards.

Ken ar c'hentaƱ |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Jef             |               http://moinejf.free.fr/
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